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Thank you for stopping by the website for our autonomous greenhouse. We have curious minds, always inquiring about the world that surrounds us. We are always eager to learn more, and spread that knowledge to our peers. Take a look around and explore our project. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, or would like to learn more.

New Growth
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8 Secondes, One Greenhouse

Our team is a group of eight high-schoolers who all care about the environment and are invested in protecting the climate. We chose to build a bio-climatic greenhouse after conferring with each other, when we all agreed the most feasible and efficient way to change our world at our level would be to construct such a structure, one able to function on its own while using clean energy and growing plants even in unfavorable climactic conditions.

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In our project, we address the issue of cultivating plants in an autonomous way during periods unfavorable to agriculture. The goal of our greenhouse is to function alone, using clean, renewable energy, as well as to grow plants and raise fish during months and climates disadvantageous to plant growth. One of our main issues addressed is the independence of our greenhouse, as well as ways to raise awareness about climatic changes and how they affect us in our day to day life.

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Tiny Green Plants


  • Madeleine GUIMBERT and Claire LEE-COUDOUEL: wiring, energy sourcing

  • Anna BEYEA and Kaila HALL: hydroponics and pump mechanics

  • Thomas TEXIER-PAUTON and Román PUENTE: biology, plants

  • Mathéo TAILLANDIER, Alex NIZEYIMANA: sensors and Arduino

  • ALL: building, modifying the structure to fit needs

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Left to right: Roman Puente, Madeleine Guimbert, Claire Lee-Coudouel, Kaila Hall, Anna Beyea, Thomas Texier-Pauton, Alex Nizeyimana, Mathéo Taillandier, Dominique Bagnato, Marc Roux

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Our team measures success by seeing if our greenhouse is successfully able to function on its own, during any month or climate, and effectively grow plants, and raise fish. Our first test takes place during our February vacation, from the 16th to the 24th. 


In our experiment, we quantify our impact by measuring how much energy our project used and compare it to how much clean, green energy we produced with our solar panels. As our energy is renewable, we also quantify the total replacement of non-renewable energies. Additionally, we simply measure and track how many plants we grew from start to finish.

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By building this greenhouse, we have created an independent ecological system that is based on the principles of clean energy, efficient technology and the preservation of our natural resources, especially water. Our love for our planet has affected our school's environment and could be adapted to function on a much larger scale. This project can be observed by all students and faculty members of the establishment as the greenhouse is accessible to all.


Not only is our plan successful in diffusing awareness around our school but it also allows our group to learn more about the different types of agriculture available to us. Living in a city where green space is not always accessible, it broadens our horizons and those of our peers. We hope to have changed other people's viewpoint on ecology and to have raised awareness around the growing issue of climate change and the overuse of non-renewable resources.

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An Inside Look At Our Group And Project

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The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.

Edward Teller

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New Growth


We hope you enjoyed discovering our project - please get in touch if you want to hear more!

9600 Forest Rd
Bethesda, Montgomery County 20814

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